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Isla Bonita Residences

Huge 2 bedroom condominiums located minutes from Eagle Beach.


Save 50% off properties from 

Huge 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo units. 3 minutes to magnificent Eagle Beach. Great location.

This is a Saturday to Saturday property that uses us to fill unused space. So any and all available nights from one night to 13 nights that end on or before the Saturday following the booking or the following Saturday qualifies for his 50% discount! 

Confused? Look at it this way, if the resort has empty units for this week or next week, it will probably remain empty. They are happy to get half price than nothing!

There are rules, See the page about 50% off guidelines.


White Beach Apartment Resort

Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.


Gold Coast Aruba

Gold Coast Residences by Aruba Villa Rentals, located in the prestigious Malmok area on the north side of Aruba is a mix of stylish residential Town Homes, condominiums and villas with access to the Gold Coast Clubhouse, two pools and a BBQ area, providing you with the comforts of home without the crowds of a hotel.














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Aruba Villa Rentals

Check out ArubaVillaRentals to see their inventory of properties. Reserve through us on any reservation that begins less than 7 days from reservation and save 20% off their rates. This is valid for new reservations only. 
















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